Grow as a Beginning CTE Teacher
Mentoring Conferences
In Minnesota CTE, we offer strong onboarding and teacher-to-teacher mentoring during your first years in the classroom. CTE TIP helps Tier 1 or 2 (i.e., industry experts) who are new to Career & Technical Education navigate licensure, planning for instruction, and the basics of CTE. Instructors in their first years of teaching and when through a licensure preparatin program, or completed CTE TIP, then go through TIP for their specific licensure area (e.g., AFNR TIP, FCS TIP) where they are paired with a mentor and receive additional resources and support.
CTE TIP: Teacher Induction Program
The Minnesota Teacher Induction Program (TIP) serves as a professional learning community for new CTE teachers, providing a positive influence in their development, efficacy, success, and retention. Participants are supported by senior mentors, MInnesota Association of Career and Technical Education (MnACTE) regional mentors, and TIP staff. The TIP program has proven very successful, with a 93% retention rate between year one and year two of teaching. Teachers receive access to the statewide curriculum, monthly professional development, and personalized coaching from an experienced CTE teacher.
- For new, first year teachers (Tier 3) and alternatively licensed teachers (Tier 1/2; industry experts).
- Focuses on teacher efficacy and thriving in year one.
- Includes two multi-day conferences, a mentorship program, and monthly virtual meetings.
Professional Development
Each summer and winter, as well as throughout the school year, the Minnesota Association for Career and Technical Education (MNACTE), the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), and Career & Technical Education Student Organizations offer a variety of workshops for teachers to help them grow professionally and keep their content relevant.
MnACTE Workshops
- Semiannual Conferences
- CTE Works!
- Content-Based Workshops
- Teaching Methods
- Licensure Renewal
MDE Workshops
- Program Approval
- Work-Based Learning
- Advisory Committees
- Perkins V
- Extended Contracts
CTSO Workshops
- Membership Rosters
- Program of Activities
- Work-Based Learning
- Student Workshops
- Career/Leadership Events