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Early Childhood Screening

Lakes Country Service Cooperative is proud to announce that it will be providing Early Childhood Screenings in Otter Tail County.  Previously, these assessments have been administered by Public Health Nurses. The program model used by Lakes Country will employ Early Childhood Teachers to conduct all aspects of the screening, which include:

   1.  Health History and Immunization (recommendations made by school health official)
   2.  Developmental Assessment
   3.  Hearing Screening
   4.  Vision Screening
   5.  Parent Questionnaire

The main goal of an Early Childhood Screening is NOT to diagnose problems, or to assess whether a child is ready for Kindergarten, but rather get a snapshot of the child’s developmental status so that parents can feel confident their child is on the right track to being school ready.  Also, any possible areas for concern can be identified and addressed early with a referral to a professional.


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Additional Resources/Links:
Screening Process:

Developmental Resources for parents/families: 
