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Links to Resources


Links to Web Pages


MN Dept. of Labor and Industry                                                                                                     


MN Dept. of Health

EPA's Asbestos and School Buildings

Federal OSHA - Construction and General Industry 


MN Depmt of Labor & Industry Requirements for Bleacher Safety

Bleacher Safety Statute

Bloodborne Pathogens

MN Department of Health School Environment Bloodborne Pathogens

OSHA Regulation

Community Right To Know

MN Emergency Planning & Community Right to Know                

Confined Space     

Federal OSHA's Confined Space Advisor

Emergency Action

Emergency/Disaster Preparedness - A Planning Guide for Schools 

Employee Right To Know

An Employer's Guide to Developing an Employee Right to Know Program, OSHA


Ergonomics Overview, US Department of Labor

University of MN Ergonomics Resources

US Department of Labor - Computer Workstation eTool

Fire Prevention

State of MN Dept. of Public Safety School Fire Safety Inspections                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   State Fire Marshal School Inspection Checklist

State Fire Marshal School Fire Drill Record and Instructions

Minnesota Department of Public Safety - State Fire Marshal Division - School Fire, Lockdown and Tornado Drill Recording Form

Hazardous Waste

MPCA Hazardous Waste Publications for Businesses

MN State Rules for Hazardous Waste, MPCA

MN Duty Officer

MPCA School Wastes

Hearing Conservation 

Occupational Noise Exposure, Federal OSHA Safety & Health Topics

Indoor Air Quality

MN Dept. of Health's IAQ for Schools

EPA's Tools for Schools Program

EPA's Frequently Asked Questions

Integrated Pest Management 

MN Dept. of Health Model Notices

NPIRS Searchable Web Pesticide Database

MN Depmt. of Ag searchable Pesticide Database

Laboratory Safety

School Science Lab Safety checklist, MN Depmt. of Public Safety 

Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Secondary Schools, American Chemical Society


Minnesota Department of Health's Lead in Drinking Water Technical Guidance and Model Plan for Minnesota's Public Schools

 Machine Guarding 

Federal OSHA Safety & Health Topics 

Mandatory Posters (free-printable)

MN DOLI mandatory poster package

Federal Workplace posters

OSHA 300

MN Dept. of Labor & Industry (MN DOLI)

OSHA 300 Log

Mercury- MN Department of Health


Don't Mess with Mercury — A mercury spill prevention initiative for schools. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Personal Protective Equipment 

Federal OSHA Safety & Health Topics


Handbook for Public Playground Safety

National Recreation & Park Association

Wood Preservation Fact Sheet


MN Dept. of Health

MN Department of Health - Minnesota Schools

Random Drug & Alcohol/School Bus Safety

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration - FMCSA Regulations 

FMCSA Clearinghouse

Minnesota State Patrol “School Bus Resources" & Information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MinnesotaDepartment of Public Safety School Bus Inspection Manual 12/2020 

Minnesota State Patrol - Driver Training File Requirements

Minnesota State Patrol - Post-crash Inspection Requirements CDL Holder

US Department of Transportation What Employers Need to Know About Drug & Alcohol Testing

US Department of Transportation DER Videos, Posters, Brochures


Federal OSHA Safety & Health Topics

Safety Committee 

Minnesota Statutes - Safety Committees

Storage Tanks 

MN MPCA Storage Tanks