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State KB

KNOWLEDGE BOWL - STATE competitions are interdisciplinary academic contests. Questions test student's recall, problem-solving and critical thinking skills. During the contest, teams compete in written and oral rounds by answering questions related to all areas of learning, typical of secondary educational programs.

Selecting a team for competition can be conducted in various ways. The selection process is left up to each school district.

Grade Levels: Statewide and regionally for teams of 5 students - for grades 9 through 12. Regionally for teams of 6 students - for grades 7 and 8.

Written Round: Each competition consists of one round of sixty multiple choice written questions. One point is awarded for each correctly answered question; points are not deducted for incorrect answers. The written round scores determine team placement for the oral rounds.

Oral Round: In an oral round, forty-five questions are asked. One team member serves as an alternate so only four members compete during the oral round (at Jr. High level, we allow five on a team). The reader asks the question orally and the teams press down on a pressure sensitive strip attached to a computer when they think they can answer the question. After buzzing in, team members may discuss their answer with one another before providing the judge with a final answer. An appointed spokesperson is the official answer person for each team. Points are awarded for correctly answered questions.
The 2024 STATE KNOWLEDGE BOWL MEET will be held on
Thursday and Friday, April 11 & 12, 2024
Click for 2024 State KB Book                                               Click for A Final Scores  
Click for 2024 Guest Book                                                    Click for AA Final Scores  
                                                                                              Click for AAA Final Scores   
2023 State Knowledge Bowl Winners

Class A 

Class AA

Class AAA

1st Place: Parkers Prairie

1st Place: Melrose

1st Place: Owatonna


Parkers Prairie








2nd Place: Greenbush-Middle River

2nd Place: Minnesota Valley Lutheran

2nd Place: Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose   


Greenbush-Middle River








3rd Place: Cook County

3rd Place: New Ulm

3rd Place: Minnetonka 


Cook County



New Ulm





4th Place: Central

4th Place: Winona

4th Place: Moorhead











4th Place: Glencoe-Silver Lake







2023 Heritage Spirit Winners

Class A

Class AA

Class AAA

Eden Valley-Watkins


Sartell-St. Stephen


Eden Valley Watkins








For more information:
Monica Thompson - KB Coordinator -
Jolene King - KB Assistant -